
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Carrots - Sunshine in a stick

Robin's Carrot Puff
Confession:  Cooking is not generally my idea of a good time unless we're all in the kitchen together cooking a bunch of different stuff at the same time.    Last night was one of those nights.   While the builder, who is a divine cook and baker, was making a green bean, bacon, onion and feta skillet casserole, the kids and I made carrot muffins and carrot puff.

The muffins are carrot cake with a lot of whole wheat flour and a lot less sugar.   If you want them sweet, add up to 3/4 C more sugar.     The puff is sort of a carrot/onion souffle.  Don't worry about the 'puff' part.  It's fabulous served at room temp the same day.   Bake it and set it aside while you worry about the other stuff on the menu.  Refrigerate overnight.  I like it best the next day.

Robin's Carrot Muffins

3/4 C sugar
3/4 C veg oil
3 eggs
1 cup white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour [the real stuff]
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3 C shredded carrots
1 C nuts
1 C yogurt [especially the thin whey-y stuff that floats around the top]

Bake at 350 degrees until they're done.  Done will depend on the size of your muffins and the type of pan you're baking them in.   

Robin's Carrot Puff

2-3 C shredded carrots
2 C shredded or chopped  onions
2 cloves garlic, chopped or pressed.
3T butter [yes, the real stuff]

Cook that stuff in a pot until the onions are transparent.  It caramelizes everything and makes it sweeter.  Then add:

1/2 C oatmeal
1 tsp salt
a shake or two of nutmeg
1 1/2 C yogurt
1 C or more grated cheese
4 eggs, beaten

Put it all in a casserole dish and bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes.   I always bake mine in a blue dish because the orange and the blue look so pretty together.   Also, it tastes better in the blue dish.