
Monday, September 19, 2011

Book: The Forgotton Skills of Self-Sufficiency

Caleb Warnock has a new book out:   The Forgotten Skills of Self Sufficiency Used by the Mormon Pioneers.  I've read this book cover to cover and am happy to recommend it.

This book is an excellent resource for folks working toward maximizing their gardening year and for folks working toward a self sustaining lifestyle. It's full of great tips and tricks - tried and true by people whose lives depended on it. Topics include seed saving, pollination, cellars, cold storage, greenhouses, grapes and fruit trees, perennial vegetables, long keeping vegetables, chickens, etc.

There is no way one book can completely cover all of the topics addressed, so the author has listed other resources that will help answer the questions that you might have. I had a great time exploring types of geothermal greenhouses after reading about the author's.

If you're already very knowledgeable about many of these topics, then you might find the treatment too cursory, but if you're just starting out, then I highly recommend this book. I consider myself a skilled summer gardener, but I really learned a lot about winter storage, greenhouses, and extending the gardening year.

Here's a link to the book:

Next on my garden reading list is a lot more reading on seed saving.