
Friday, February 22, 2013

Citrus Sugars

I showed you the citrus salts I made a couple of days ago. 


I made some citrus sugars at the same time.    Because if you're going to zest one lime, you might as well zest another.   And another.   And then a lemon or two or three while you're at it.   And then stir that zest into sugar and make yourself a jar of lemon sugar and then a jar of lime sugar.

They're so good. 

Have I said that before?

For the sugars, I decided to use a whole cup of sugar for every fruit I zested.    The flavors were more delicate that way.

Delicate is good.   Sweet and delicate is even better.

Here are some ways you can use these citrus sugars:
  • In drinks of all sorts - like tea!
  • Sprinkle on cookies
  • Sprinkle on muffins
  • Sprinkle on top of frosting for a citrusy sparkle.
  • A spoonful in a glass of  sparkling water is delish!
  • As a substitute for plain sugar in shortbread or spritz cookies. 
  • In puddings
  • Sprinkled over fruit kabobs
  • In candied sweet potatoes

Citrus Sugars
  •  zest of one fruit
  • 1 cup sugar
Mix the zest and sugar together in a jar.   Shake until well combined.   Will keep indefinitely.   But don't kid yourself - it's not going to last all that long.