
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pelicans at Goose Pond

Goose Pond NWR is not far from us and we like to pop over every once in a while to see what new birds we can see.      We love our water birds, so we were excited to see these guys last weekend.   They are American white pelicans.     So beautiful in flight.      Claire snapped this pic as they flew from one pond to another.


Here's another pic of some pelicans.   The day we were here, they counted a flock of 1500 pelicans.   That is the largest number of pelicans ever for Indiana.  They were first recorded in Indiana in 1887, so this isn't their first time here, but until 2004, the number stayed below 52.   Then BAM, they re-discovered the midwest and the numbers have been climbing ever since. 

We also saw some northern shovelers.   Apparently it's been a spectacular year for ducks, too, at Goose Pond.  

Here's the Friends of Goose Pond site, if you are interested in what else goes on out here.