
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Redbud Spring

Redbud season is spectacular in this area.   In the late evening light, the colors really glow.

The buds form right on the twigs and as the flowers bloom, they form little stems.

This year, since the winter lasted so long and the spring came late, we've had some beautiful, but very warm weekends crowd in on the season.   That causes the leaves to form on the redbuds before the flowers are quite done blooming.   I like how orange the leaves are when they're new.

Down the way, a redbud came down over the road in a storm during the winter.   Some of the branches were cut off and tossed aside and a couple of them ended up in the creek.   Mother Nature forced the flowers anyway and we noticed this blooming branch resting in the creek.   The cut end is jammed up against the wet embankment and obviously has been getting enough water over the past couple of months to force the blooms.