
Monday, June 2, 2014

May Garden Harvest

May started slowly and built steam [literally] fast.   The garden has been loving the heat and I can practically hear things growing.   Here's what we harvested from the garden in May

  • Lettuce,  tons and tons and tons from the cold frame and hoop house.  Planted last fall.
  • Arugula, planted out this spring in rows, plus some that self sowed.
  • Radishes, planted out in rows this spring.
  • Strawberries
  • Peas
  • Onions - greens from sets I planted out in early April.

I made my first batches of strawberry vanilla jam from a flat of delectable berries that Eric brought home from Melton's and it was to die for.  It's Claire's favorite and she is jealously guarding every jar.

Now that jam season is in full swing, don't forget that my jam cookbook ebook is on sale for a while.  See sidebar for link and preview.