
Thursday, November 27, 2014


Over the course of our insane decon-reconstruction house project, we have been the recipients of all kinds of help and on this day of thanks, I wanted to acknowledge some of the people who have contributed.

My dad, Joe Edmundson, showed us that it was possible to build a house.   We learned a lot watching and helping mom and dad build their house. 

Our parents, step-parents and sibs have been great supports, cheerleading from near and far.  Thanks, guys!   We'll finally have a guestroom in a couple of months and you can come and see it all for yourselves.   [Bring your work clothes.]

Thanks to Rich, whose engineering skills and advice have helped us ensure that the foundation is good, the walls right and that the roof will stay up.    It's important that the roof stay up. 

Thanks to our neighbors, ten of whom showed up to help us stand the walls and roof.  Thanks to the entire Hewins family:  Michelle, Mark, Colt and Cheyenne.  Thanks to Dave and Jeannette.  Thanks to Mary and Ben.  Thanks to Kate and Michael.  Thanks to Robert and Alexia. Thanks to Mike and Danielle.  Without them,  we'd never have beat the early winter.   I thank heaven every day that we moved out here and landed among the best people on earth.  Thanks to all of you who wave as you drive by and stop and chat when I'm out for a walk.   You're the best. 

Thanks to my girls, who lift, haul, dig, dump, haul more, push, pull, hammer, mow, cook, clean, haul more, dig more, build, climb, plan, paint, and haul more with smiles on your faces.    This house is for you and we hope you're thrilled with it when we're done.  [You better still live here.]

And the biggest thanks goes to Eric, who planned and built so carefully that when we measured the new second floor for square, the house was only 1/8 inch off [which is crazy good building].   Thanks for lifting and hauling more than anyone.  Thanks for thinking everything through so that the walls are plumb and the roof stays up.   Thanks for believing it's all possible [it is!] and for helping make it real.    You deserve a vacation.