
Monday, April 23, 2012


Our elaeagnus is in bloom.   The autumn olive.   You can read about it here.

K2 went out and got these great pics.

They are glorious this year.   Hopefully that will mean a bumper crop of berries and lots of jam.   In the meantime, the bees and butterflies are in heaven. 

The bushes are loaded with bloom and with buzzing, fluttering visitors.   It's kind of noisy.   And let me tell you, you don't want to ride the mower too close under one of these or you'll knock a wasp into your face.   I've done it.  

Our bees have found these bushes and are all over it.  Next year, I hope to harvest some of the honey they make from these bushes - if it tastes anything like the flowers smell, then it will be heavenly.
