
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mango Bay Lime Jam

The mangoes are still beautiful and I've got a lot of simple herb syrups to use in jam.   It's time to use them together. 

Mango Lime Bay Jam sounds like a party in a jar, doesn't it?

Dude. Break out those steel drums!

I used some of my bay syrup to flavor this jam.  All you do is substitute the syrup for some or all of the sugar in the recipe.    Simple.   Just like the syrup.

You can also use bay syrup to flavor your favorite drinks - alcoholic or not.   A spoonful of this stuff in fizzy water will do wonders for your stress level.    I know.

Coming up later in the week, we'll have Double Lemonade Jelly and Apricot Anise Hyssop Jam.

Mango Lime Bay Jam
  • 4 cups chopped and crushed mango
  • 1/2 cup [or more] of cold water so that the mango doesn't stick to the pan when you start heating things up.
  • 4 Tablespoons Dutch Jell All Natural Lite pectin
  • zest of 1 lime
  • 1 cup bay syrup
Combine the mango, water, lime zest and pectin in a pot.  Stir well to dissolve the pectin.   Bring to a boil.  Stir constantly until you have a full rolling boil that you can't stir down.   Stir constantly.  Boil for 5 minutes to boil out some of the extra water.  Add the syrup and return to rolling boil.  Stir constantly.  Boil for 1 minute.  Ladle into jars.  Process for canning.  Makes 2.5 pints.