
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mango Strawberry Mint Freezer Jam

The mangoes are ripe and we've been getting them by the box.    I've been thinking for a long time about mango jam and I spent an entire weekend developing recipes.

You're going to LOVE them.


This jam will improve your life.

You'll sleep better at night, your kids will be smarter, your husband will actually put his dirty clothes IN the wash basket and not next to it.

OK that last one is probably just pushing it.

But I'm absolutely sure that mango jam will improve your breakfast.    And lunch.   And dinner.  And dessert.

Definitely.   Here's what we have coming up:
  • Mango Strawberry Mint Freezer Jam
  • Mango Chai Ginger Jam
  • Mango Bay Lime Jam
It's been hot, so we'll start with the freezer jam.    You'll want to eat it by the spoonful, so make several batches.   See the post from earlier for an easy way to cut mangoes up.

 Mango Strawberry Mint Freezer Jam
  • 3 cups crushed mango pieces
  • 1 cup crushed strawberry slices
  • 1 Tablespoon finely minced fresh mint
  • 4 T Ball Instant Pectin for freezer jam
  • 1 1/3 cup sugar

Stir the sugar and pectin together well and set aside.     Crush your fruit some more.  Cut up the mint a little finer.   Stir the mint into the fruit.   Stir the sugar/pectin mix into the fruit and stir well for 3 minutes.   Spoon into freezer containers and let sit out for 30 minutes.    Label the jars - you'll want to find these fast.   After 30 minutes, put the containers in the freezer.  

This jam is fabulous on dutch pancakes.  

Note:  3 large mangoes will give you about 3 cups crushed.   Also - don't over-do it with the mint.   You just need a suggestion of mint; you don't want it to take over.