
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Early Fall Color

The kids love this time of year.  [We all do.]  They grab the camera and take off to their hidden places outside and come back later with glorious pics like these.

K1 caught some great pics of early fall color [including the one above] on a beautiful foggy morning.

K2 likes the macro shots, like this one of Bushy Aster, a fall blooming plant with tiny pink and white flowers.

It looks like the autumn color is coming on fast this year.  The wet, cool weather has super charged the color in the landscape.    I reminded the girls yesterday that it wasn't so very long ago that they were wondering if it would ever rain again, or if the temps would ever dip below 90.    And now it has rained and it is cool.

And we smile and dream of warm kitchens and soup dinners and cups of hot chocolate around fires in the firepit.    Bring on the Fall.