
Monday, October 15, 2012


Way back in March, we went out and got some new baby chicks because our hens are getting old.  We paid extra to get females.

And then half of those females turned into males.

I hate it when that happens.

So now we have two extra roosters.    Because apparently we needed crowing 24/7.

Also, we figured out where the theme from Get Smart came from.   I'm totally serious.  Nutmeg crows the Get Smart theme.  

This is Nutmeg.  He's an Americauna.  I was hoping to get blue eggs from him.

Not.  Going.  To Happen. 

This is Jupiter.   He's a Silver Laced Wyandotte.   Pretty! 

They try to out crow each other. 

All.  Day.  Long.    Beginning early in the morning.  Early.  


Bob, our main rooster, just looks on in disgust.    Who can blame him?

We let Bob stay in the coop with the ladies.

We let Jupe and Meggie Boy out into the yard so that they don't start fighting with Bob.  That would be Bad.  

K2 loves the feathers on these guys.  Notice the green with the black. 

And notice the green with the brown.  

Forty shades of brown and gold with a bit of that bottle green and black. 
