
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Floral Collection of Original Watercolors - in the online shop now!


© Robin Edmundson, ‘Pink Poppies’, watercolor, 12.6 x 9.4 inches.

Framed, to pick up at the studio, $350

It is sleeting as I write this. Winter has come in all her unapologetic brashness. The garden is resting; the leaves are finally coming down; birds are moving south in flocks, like floating rivers that flow for miles as they move across the sky. It’s an energizing time of year.

I am not ready for winter.

I never am. Why am I always surprised at the falling temperatures? There’s a part of me that is ever hopeful that this year southern Indiana will have all the winter fun without me actually feeling cold. Hah!

My shows for the year have ended and all the artwork is back in the studio. As I put things away, I found myself keeping the florals out for a while longer so I could spend some extra time ‘in the garden’ as it were.

I wondered if you might like that, too, so I have put my Floral Collection in the online shop [link below] to make it easy for you to purchase.

This is how it works:

If you fall in love with a piece, you can purchase it right away online. Everything is priced to be mailed, unframed, to US addresses. [Bonus - in the case of the smaller pieces, if the mat fits in the package, too, I’ll leave it matted for you.]

If you are able to pick it up at the studio and want it framed, let me know and you can pay me the extra when you pick it up. You’ll find the ‘framed’ price in the item description in the shop.

Note: This collection will be available in the shop until December 1.


Click here to go to the Floral Collection online

p.s. I had one more floral [Zinnias, below] that is a bit too large to fit into the mailers, so it’s not listed in the online shop. If you are interested in this piece and can pick it up at the studio, I’m happy to sell it either framed or unframed. Contact me.

© Robin Edmundson, ‘Zinnias, #4’, watercolor, 16 x 12 inches.

[Framed to 22 x 18 inches, $450. Unframed $365. Must be picked up at the studio.]