
Saturday, July 16, 2011


Oh, yes.   We went to the movie on Friday.  

We did not do the midnight show and though my kids would have LOVED it, we were glad we waited until the 9:45 a.m. show when we heard that 1800 people showed up at our theater on Friday night for the midnight show and party.     That's about 1/3 of the entire population of town.   Apparently all the parking places were full, so people parked 'wherever'.   'Wherever' turned out not to be conducive to adequate traffic management and it was a nightmare.   I'm glad we missed that.

To celebrate all things Harry Potter [and my birthday this weekend], we made a new [to us] Butterbeer recipe by Darla over at Bakingdom.  Darla is a huge HP fan, too.  And we love her even more because she's from Indiana [!] and loves Dr. Who [!!].    Darla is awesome!  

This butterbeer is the Best. Butterbeer. Recipe.  Ever.    Here's the link to the butterbeer recipe.

You'll need to find some butter flavoring [much less caloric than butter!], so start looking around.   We found ours at Kroger, but rumor has it that you can get it at Walmart and of course you can get it online.   Darla's got a link. 

Drink up, everyone!   Happy Harry Potter 7.2!