
Friday, July 15, 2011

Giveaway - Charmed Knits

I heart the Harry Potter books.  

I discovered them late.   The 4th one had been published and the 5th just about to be when I was convinced that they were worth reading by a trusted friend.    I got them from the public library and started at the beginning.  I was able to read the first 4 quickly.   It almost killed me to wait for the 5th.    And the 6th.    And the 7th.  And by then it was a family affair.   We all loved them.  

There were so many rumors around who would die in the 7th, that the day the book came out, we went to the store and I opened it right there and read the epilog.  

[Yes,  I read the end first.  The Harry Potter police did not catch me.   Neither did the You're Not Allowed to Read the End First police.    I live quite happily and sleep very well in spite of the fact that I do, on occasion, read the end of a book first.]  

Once we agreed that we were satisfied with the end of the 7th book, I opened to Chapter 1 and started reading the book aloud right there in the store while Eric finished the shopping.   We read it in the car all the way home,  we read it through dinner and baths until a late bed time.   We got up in the morning and read it all day long, through breakfast, lunch, dinner and baths until we finished it about 2 in the morning.    Not only was a it a great book, it was a great family experience.   We smile whenever we talk about it. 

We love Harry Potter.   We love the crazy food, the robes, the wands, the whole nine yards.   So, we're really excited about Part 2 of the 7th movie being released today.    We're probably there right now.

To share our love of all things Harry Potter, this weekend I'm giving away a copy of Charmed Knits: Projects for fans of Harry Potter,  by Alison Hansel.    It's a wonderful collection of knitted projects that will transport you right into the world of Harry Potter.

The rules:

1.  Residents of the US and Canada only, please.
2.  Leave a comment on this post and please consider following the blog if you haven't already.  [No, you don't have to follow the blog to be in the drawing.   You do have to comment, though.]
3.  If you need something to talk about in your comment, tell us about your favorite Harry Potter book or character. 
4.  The comments close on Sunday night July 17, 2011 at midnight.   I'll post the winner some time on Monday. 

Good luck!