
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chocolate Orange Jam

I've been playing with chocolate jams for a while now.   We love them on ice cream.   Or right out of the jar with a spoon.   We're not picky. 

Over the next few days, I'll give you three versions of this chocolate wonderfulness.   Chocolate raspberry, chocolate ginger pear and chocolate orange.

I made the chocolate orange first because I was making marmalade anyway.   I made a lot of marmalade.   So, I made another little batch of plain marmalade and dropped in a disc of that fabu Organic Stone Ground 70% cacao Extra Dark Chocolate that you see in the pic.   

It was extra dark.

It was stone ground.

It was to die for.

A note about the chocolate.   Don't make a special trip to the store for special chocolate.  Unless you want to.   You can substitute 1/3 cup of chocolate chips.  Or any chocolate bar.  Or cocoa powder as a last resort.  We tried this with all three and much preferred the chips and chocolate bar type chocolates.   The cocoa powder was OK, but not quite as good. 

Also, you should feel free to use more chocolate if you want to.   I mean 'chocolate' is the first word in the name, so you should load up if you want to.    Seriously.

Chocolate Orange Jam

4 oranges, zested and sectioned.
1 cup water
3 cups sugar
1.3 oz  disc of chocolate, or 1/3 cup chocolate chips

Zest the oranges and get it boiling in the water while you section the oranges.    Toss in the oranges and sugar and boil down until just before it reaches the gel point for your altitude.   [See Jam page, tab above, for that information]   Grate the chocolate into the jam and stir until it's well combined.    Let it finish cooking until it reaches the gelling point.    Yield:  just over a pint.

Note:   This is a no-pectin recipe.   It's hard to get no-pectin recipes to gel just right.  Don't worry about it.   Err to the side of too thin - it pours over ice cream and waffles better that way.     If it's too thick, then you can't get it out of the jar when it's been in the fridge.  That's a bigger problem than too thin, in my view.

Want the recipe for this Marmalade and a whole lot of other terrific jam recipes?   Check out my ebook:  A Simple Jar of Jam  at   You can preview the book by clicking the link on the sidebar.  Every purchase helps support this site.  Thank you!