
Monday, February 11, 2013

Class: Spinning 201, Intermediate Spinning

Look at those beautiful hands spinning that beautiful yarn.    I love watching people spin. 

I'll be teaching Spinning 201 - Intermediate Spinning  at White Violet Center, St. Mary of the Woods College just outside Terre Haute, Indiana on Saturday, March 2nd.    9 am - 5 pm.   $110.

This class is for people who have already learned to spin.   It's OK if you're a bit rusty.   We'll be reviewing whatever skills you need, then we'll do some plying [2 ply, 3 ply and Navajo plying]  and then hit a bunch of new fibers for you to practice on. 

You can bring your own wheel and your own fibers if you like.   There are wheels available at White Violet if you don't have your own.   

Check out the link above for details.    Email me with questions about what we'll be doing.  Email White Violet Center with questions about registration, etc.    I hope to see you there!