Monday, July 29, 2013
Squash Update
So the truth is that I'm kind of in love with squash plants. I love the way the bees buzz all over them. I love the flowers, I love the fruit, I love the vines. They crawl all over the garden and we have to leap frog over a lot of them but I don't care. They make me happy.
This is winter squash Black Futsu with yesterday's flower, today's flower and tomorrow's from right to left. It made me laugh.
This is a baby Queensland Blue [left] and a baby Golden Hubbard [right]. They're a bit bigger than your fist in this pic, but they'll get a LOT bigger before they're done. The QB will turn a lovely blue gray and the GH will turn a screaming traffic cone orange when they're ripe.
And as always, I let a couple of volunteer mystery squash stay this year. This one is nice and smooth and regular and pretty pale. Maybe another batch of the little white pumpkins that seem to volunteer so well in the chicken dirt? I hope so - they make adorable decorations.