This is our apple tree. It feeds a lot of woodpeckers. [And sapsuckers! Thanks to Teresa in the comments for identifying thi pecking pattern.]
There are several different types of woodpeckers that live around us.
Down the way is a patch of woods full of breeding pairs of red headed woodpeckers. I love them.
In the deepest parts of our woods we sometimes see the very large pileated woodpeckers and we can hear them on old hollow trees for miles.
Closer to home, we get red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers and hairy woodpeckers. They make a science out of mining our old apple tree for food.
You can see the holes in nice neat rows going around the tree. The rows are a few inches apart and go all the way down the tree. If you look closely, you can see which are new holes, surrounded by orange bark, and which are old holes, with raised scar tissue around each hole.
We will keep this tree - even though it bears inferior apples and is prone to other problems. It shades our back patio and the birds love it.