It's that time of year. Time to raid the grocery stores of all that gorgeous citrus and make some marmalade.
I scored a nice selection of citrus this year and decided that I'd make a batch of Four Fruit Marmalade to start things off. [Recipes coming soon.]
Last year I tried Food in Jars' method of making marmalade. She supremes her fruit. This year I decided to skip the supreme-ing and just section the fruit with a grapefruit spoon.
Honestly, I liked the spoon better. It was just as fast, too. [The one in the pic is an old silver one I picked up at an antique mall for cheap. I can never seem to get the tarnish all the way off.]
Which brings me to the rest of the tools I use when I make marmalade: A sharp knife and a couple of zesters.
Because marmalade is all about the zest.
I found a new zester this year. The long one with the red handle in the pic above zests beautifully and quickly. The zest is small, but not too small.
I like it a lot. It's a KitchenAid medium grater.
This thing is really, really sharp.
Really sharp. So be careful!
For longer zest, I use this little thing. It's a 2 in 1 lemon zester
It takes longer to use but I like the longer confetti zest that I get with this.
Hold the fruit firmly in one hand. Drag the zester along the fruit with the other, using your thumb for support on the back of the fruit. This way you can get the job done pretty efficiently.
The larger blade to the side of the zester [pic above] is for when you want really big peels, like if you were candying lemon peel or something like that.
Once you've mastered these, then you'll end up with this. [KitchenAid medium grater]
And this. [2 in1 lemon zester.]
And then you're ready to make marmalade.
Want the recipe for Marmalade and a whole lot of other terrific jam recipes? Check out my ebook: A Simple Jar of Jam at You can preview the book by clicking the link on the sidebar. Every purchase helps support this site. Thank you!