It's been a month since we installed the nucs in the hives and we did a one-month inspection this week.
There are a lot of bees.
But they are not in a hurry to draw out more comb. Both hives had only 7 frames drawn out and had not even started an 8th. Weird. Since they came with 5 frames, I'm unimpressed.
Lily caught a pic of them festooning as we pulled the frames apart. Bees festoon a lot and it's interesting to see how they hold on. Blow the pic up for a closer look; it's really cool.
Both queens looked like they were laying well and each hive had a frame or two of honey. We put a super on each hive to encourage some growth and we're feeding sugar water and honey for the rest of the season.
I hope the queens are busy, busy, busy because I'd like to have a lot of bees in each hive before winter.