Sunday, August 19, 2018

Making Room for Magic Experiences

We need more magical experiences.   Experiences that make us feel bigger, better, smarter, more attractive, loved, valuable, effective and safe.

These experiences happen for me when:

  • I can take the time I need without feeling rushed.
  • I don't have a secondary [or tertiary] agenda and I'm not multitasking.
  • I learn something new or see something in a new way.
  • I get to play.
  • I get to explore.
  • I get to make mistakes.
  • I feel like I'm being a good version of myself.

When do magical experiences happen for you?         I'd love to know.

What would it do for your spirit to spend an entire weekend with other supportive and loving women being inspired, igniting your creative passion, embracing your power, and opening your heart to live your best life? Guaranteed to be full of magical experiences!  Please come to our October weekend retreat so we can get you started on your way to living your best life now. Registration closes August 31.

Also, I'd like to invite you to join our Best Self facebook group where we can talk freely about becoming our best selves - and all the messy work that entails. In addition, I have another group, The Well Balanced Artist, for creatives of all kinds and in all stages of their creative lives, who are trying to balance their art, business and personal lives.

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