Like squash bugs. I hate those.
They overwinter in the same straw that we use all summer to mulch with. That mulch that we need so desperately to improve our soil.
Just another example of how Life Isn't Fair.
Luckily, we knew that already. I mean if life were fair, would we have had to endure bell-bottoms? Twice??
I don't think so.
So, as the only way to cut down on the squash bugs is to burn up the garden debris at the end of the season, that's what I do. I pile all the old vines and plants into the center and burn them.
It's never as easy as I think it will be. This year, it rained. The center stayed wet. The vines weren't completely dry. It wouldn't burn.
So, we spread stuff out and let it dry some more, then threw some logs on the thing so it would get good and hot, which totally worked because once I got that lit, it stayed hot for two days.
Two. Days. And burned everything to a nice fine ash, which I shoveled out in prep for the second cold frame. After digging things around and mixing up the soil, we're good to go.
I do surround the cold frame with straw bales. They get wet, and as they decompose, they generate enough heat to keep greens growing all winter, even when it gets down below zero. We're in zone 4 here and I highly recommend this way of winter gardening.
In the first bed, I planted arugula, radishes [and I remembered to plant them far enough apart that they'll actually grow radishes], cilantro and fennel. Turns out fennel loves cool. It really took off at the end of the season and I just transplanted in the cold frame for the winter. We'll eat it in a few weeks and then I'll plant some more. Mmmm. I transplanted some parsley to the edges and I also planted a few rows of Egyptian walking onions to the side of the cold frame and some kale in front. The onions are cluster onions and they'll grow all winter. The kale much prefers being outside the cold frame to being in it. If it gets scary cold, then they're close enough for me to cover everything in plastic for a few days of extra protection.
In the second bed, I planted leeks, and some Siamese Dragon greens that I got from Baker Creek. It's hardier lettuce and greens with nice kick - mustard, etc. Also, more arugula. Can't have enough arugula!