Thursday, March 28, 2013

What The Trees Hang Onto

This is a very big tree at the end of our road.   I've passed it thousands of times.

Sometimes I imagine that one day there will be a sign on it that says Honey!  with an arrow pointing down our way.

Someday.   Maybe.

In the meantime, I walk by it and say hello to the neighbors cows and then turn around and head back home.

We were picking up cans one day on our walk and looking more closely than usual at the debris around the tree and Eric noticed something.

Something blue that was not a beer can.

Can you see it right in the center of this pic?   

It's the bottom section of a very old fence post.   The top is long gone - broken off.  

I don't think the roots are going to let the bottom go any time soon. 
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