On June 6-7, 2014 I'll be offering a cellulose dyeing class at the Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival in Franklin, Indiana. In this class we'll be dyeing plant fibers [cotton, rayon, linen, tencel, bamboo] using cold water dyes.
The following weekend, June 14, 2014, I'll be teaching dyeing at White Violet Center at St. Mary of the Woods [just west of Terre Haute, Indiana]. In this class we'll be dyeing animal/protein fibers [wool, alpaca, llama, silk, soy silk, etc.] with acid dyes. As a prelude to this class, I'll be teaching a Color Harmonies class in the morning with the dye class in the afternoon.
Here are the full descriptions of the classes and links where you can register.
1. DYE CLASS: Fibers to Dye For, Cellulose Fibers [Plant Fibers]
2 part class: June 6, Friday 1-4 and June 7, Saturday 9-12
Hoosier Hills Fiberarts Festival
June 6-7, 2014
Johnson County Fairgrounds. Franklin, Indiana.
Yarn, roving, spindles, etc. [www.hoosierhillsfiberfestival.com]
Register at link above.

[Note: This class is not for animal fibers. These dyes do not work on wool, alpaca, angora, nylon, soy silk or animal fibers.]
Register at www.hoosierhillsfiberfestival.com
Email me if you have questions: robin at morenna dot com
2. CLASS: Color Harmonies
3. CLASS: Dyeing on Protein Fibers with Acid Dyes
June 14, 2014
White Violet Center, St. Mary of the Woods College. Terre Haute, Indiana.
Register for classes at www.whiteviolet.org.
Morning: Color Harmonies: Color is one of the most magic aspects of art. This class will help you take the mystery out of deciding which colors go together and how. Topics will include basic color theory, using color tools, wheels and books, classic color combinations, etc. Expect to laugh a lot as you practice putting colors together and using your new skills.
Bring with you: Photos or things with color
combinations that you really like, photos or things with color
combinations that you really don’t like. Feel free to bring whatever
color tools, books, swatches, yarn, etc you already have that you’d
like to practice working with.
Afternoon: Dyeing on Protein Fibers with Acid Dyes:
the use of acid dyes to turn your

[Note: This class is not for plant fibers. These dyes do not work
on cotton, tencel, bamboo, rayon, linen or other plant fibers.]
You may register for one or both classes at www.whiteviolet.org
Email me if you
have questions: robin at morenna dot com