It's been a while since I've posted rural poetry. Lately we've been cleaning a lot.
A lot.
And let me tell you this place is dirty.
Really dirty.
But I'm sure that has nothing to do with why we don't get much company. Nothing at all.
Or why, perhaps, we don't invite people over very often. Nothing at all.
Rural sonnet number whatever....
Ode to a Dirty House
Accumulated dirt from twenty years
And more, of living on a gravel road—
[A rolling cloud of dust likely appears
When every auto, bike, dog, cat or toad
Goes by when things dry out]—At any rate,
That dirt fills every pore of this old house.
It covers everything. Our real estate
Will soon be mostly in than out. I grouse
Each time I clean the tops of shelves unseen
For years. Each surface traps and glues right down
Vast swaths of gritty, grimy, anti-sheen.
The cobwebs make it worse because they’re brown
With gunk. I’d keep ahead of all that grime
But I’d be doing housework ALL the time.