We ran out of this jam. It's K2's favorite. She eats it on almost everything.
There was weeping.
There was wailing.
There was general consternation.
So I made more. It's what moms do.
Here's my typical recipe for a single batch of jam. This generally makes about 2.5 pts of jam plus a bit.
Blueberry Lime Jam- small batch
- 4 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen
- 1 cup water
- zest and juice of 1 lime.
- 3 T Ball or Dutch-Jell low sugar pectin
- 3-4 cups sugar

However. And it is a big However.
Yesterday I was all out of my Ball and Dutch-Jell low sugar pectins. I did have a box of Mrs. Wages low sugar pectin that I picked up to try last time I was at Freedom Country Store in Worthington - it's our local Amish store.
One package of that stuff will gel 12 cups of fruit. I had 15 cups of fruit and wanted only a soft jell, so I did four batches at once with one package of Mrs. Wages. Worked perfectly. Here's what I did:
Blueberry Lime Jam - with Mrs. Wages Pectin
- 15 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen [around 2 bags of frozen blueberries]
- 4 cups water
- zest and juice of 4 limes.
- 1 package of Mrs. Wages pectin.
- 12 cups sugar
1. Combine the fruit, water, lime juice, zest and pectin.
2. Bring to a hard rolling boil that you can't stir down. Boil hard for 1 minute.
3. Add the sugar.
4. Return to a hard rolling boil. Boil hard for 1 minute.
5. Ladle into jars. Process 10 minutes for canning.
I've been thinking a lot about pectins lately. I'm doing a cost-comparison post and will have that up soon.