And then one more type turns into four more types.
It's ridiculous.
I'm ridiculous.
The truth is I have very little garden discipline. Seeds are cheap and I just have to try a couple more new types of whatever every year. And then I look at my old seeds and can't bear to toss them. In fact, no one will notice if I tuck a few of the old things in this year's garden. Maybe I'll have better luck with that one variety that didn't do so well in bed #4. If I try it with the eggplants this year and put in some more chicken dirt, it won't take up much room. And if it dies, no one will notice.
And then in July, the garden is a jungle and I am growing things too close together and then it rains and rains and the fungal wilt starts and the tomatoes sulk and the pumpkins take over everything.
The point is, I need to scale back a bit in a couple of places.
This year I am only going to plant 6 kinds of winter squash. I said that last year, too and ended up planting 12, but this year I really mean it.
I really do.
Only 6.
Stop laughing.