Over the years, I've made a lot of life changing decisions. Some were based on logic and reason. Some were based on emotion. Some were based on intuition.
Merriam-Webster defines intuition this way:
1 : immediate apprehension or cognition without reasoning or inferring. 2 : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition. 3 : the power or faculty of gaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.The common thread in all of that is the notion of knowing something without evident rational thought.
It is very important to get quiet and still enough to listen to your intuition. Quiet the other voices of strict rationality, of fear, of anger, of guilt, of regret, of sadness - or the voices of other people in your life who love telling you what to do. Note them, then listen past them. What is your gut saying? That's where intuition lives.
There have been more than few times in my life where I listened to intuition and then followed it. Every single time, I have been glad I did - even though rationally, these decisions seemed crazy or risky. As I have gotten older, I have tried to listen more and more. Which relationships should I let go of? Which should I hang on to? What new things should I try? Who should I get to help me? Should I take advantage of this new opportunity or let it go? Should I respond? What kind of person do I want to be? How can I Be instead of DO all the time?
What questions are you facing lately? What does your rational self think? What does your emotional self think?
What is your intuition telling you?