Showing posts with label making room for magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label making room for magic. Show all posts

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Making Room for Magic - An Attitude of Abundance

We spent last month talking about releasing. We thanked what no longer serves us and let it go. We released things we don't need,  activities we don't need,  relationships we don't need.  We released control.  We released our old selves to step into our new selves.   

Now there's room for us to add some things that will serve us better and help us live our best lives now.  To do that, we need to tap into the mindset of Abundance. 

Take a minute to think and write a few things down.  What lovely things are abundant in your life right now? 

Right this minute, I have  hummingbirds outside my window.  I have one feeder there and eight birds are jockeying for position - not politely.   It's an abundance of birds, of motion, of twittering, of green and red flashes of light, of life, of entertainment.   Also, today there is an abundance of dew, of flowers blooming in the garden.  There is an abundance of humidity [my hair looks great!] and sunshine. 

Take a moment to focus on and feel the abundance around you and the gratitude that comes with it. 

Here is a good mantra for tapping into the abundance all around you. 

  • There is plenty.  There are plenty of things.  There are plenty of resources.  There is plenty of time.  There is plenty of space.   I enjoy all the plenty around me.  I am enough.  There is enough.  There is more than enough.  

If your mind moves on to fear and scarcity, thank it for trying to protect you and then focus again to find more abundance and gratitude.  Don't beat yourself up.  We all have to re-focus.  It's part of the process.

Why is this important?   Because a positive outlook will take you much further in getting what you need.  You will have more energy, hope, faith, inspiration and connections.  People like being around positive, hopeful people.   As you continue to connect in positive ways, solutions will present themselves.  As you feel better and more inspired, you'll see new ways of doing things that will bring you lasting benefits.  

A mindset of abundance will allow you to find and get what you seek without feeling like you have to take it from someone else or without feeling like if you get it someone else more deserving won't get theirs. There is enough to go around and plenty more.  Really.  There is plenty.

Practice tapping into an attitude of abundance. 

What would it do for your spirit to spend an entire weekend with other supportive and loving women being inspired, igniting your creative passion, embracing your power, and opening your heart to live your best life? Please come to our October weekend retreat so we can get you started on your way to living your best life now. Registration closes August 31st, 2018.

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