They were delicious.
I grew them in a cold frame.
If you haven't done it already, it's time to set up and plant those cold frames and hoop houses.
Here's how I do my cold frames. It's not rocket science. Straw bales and an old tempered glass door on top. I toss some clear plastic over the whole thing to tuck it in when it gets way cold and stays that way.
Radishes and fennel in December! Mmmmm. Greens all winter long!
If you have the space and actually want to stand up in your cold frame, then try a hoop house. Here is how we built ours. Follow the links in the posts for more information and theory about how they work. [The trick is to blanket things inside, too.]
We're doing just hoop houses this year. Greens, carrots, onions, radishes, fennel and a few potatoes.